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Route on the west beaches of the island

Starting from the city and leaving behind the Arch of Agios Lazaros, we reach Gaitani, where the relic of Saint Joseph is kept in the Temple of the Almighty, which was brought to Zakynthos after the fall of Cahndakas (1669) by the Cretan refugees who fled to Zakynthos.

We, then, head to the area of Agria, where we meet the modern winery Christofou and the old traditional winery Komoutos

We arrive in Machairado, an old village in the area, which is said to have taken its name from the knives used to slaughter the lambs in those mountainous areas. In the central square of the village is the Temple of Saints Timotheos and Mavra. There is a copy of the icon of Agia Mavra, a work by Ioannis Tosolakos, which was destroyed by fire a few years ago. A special festivity is held in the village with the traditional tambourloniakaro, which takes place on the first Sunday after the celebration of the memory of the Saints (May 3) and lasts all night. Traditional food at the festival is the stew, the “eftazyma” a kind of rusk and the lambs on the spit. In the village, there are several residual pre-earthquake buildings.

Following the road of Riza we head south and pass near the women's Monastery of Eleftherotria.

Continuing towards Lithakia from the road of Riza of Mount Vrachiona that is full of olive trees, we pass Lagopodo, which is the Winery of the Grampsa Family, from Romyri, a picturesque old settlement, then we pass Pantokratoras and we reach Lithakia, a village scattered with brilliant architectures of the 17th, 18th and 19th century with rich folk culture. The Mansion of Messala stands out, where the Environmental Education Centre of Zakynthos currently operates.

Ascending on the west of the road of the old quarries, where today there is a track for motocross and we reach the village of Agalas, a picturesque village with many pre-earthquake buildings, from which the church of the Lady of the Angels and the restored school of the village stand out. Passing through the village and following the road to the north, through a lush route of olive groves and pine forests, we reach the village of Koiliomenos, where we find particularly picturesque pre-seismic neighborhoods. A special ornament is the bell tower, a masterpiece of folk architecture, with relief decorations that have many eschatological symbols and the church of Agios Nikolaos. Through the village starts a road covered by a pine forest and then we reach the sea, the point Pounta or Korakonisi.

Going north, the next village we come across is Agios Leon, a picturesque village, on the base of which is an old windmill. From there, one can take a trip to the few accessible western coasts of Zakynthos, with points of interest in Porto Roxa and Porto Limniona, sites of rare beauty reminiscent of North Africa rather than Europe.

We continue north where we meet the village of Exo chora. Before the village, a road begins that leads to the very picturesque and fertile village of Kambi, above which there is a large cross of concrete, in memory of the National Resistance during World War II, a point of unique beauty, with a spectacular view of both the steep rocks of the island and the Mediterranean, and offers a rather magnificent sunset.

Returning from Kambi and reaching Exo chora, we find a very scenic square in the center of the village, dominated by a centuries-old plane tree and the pre-earthquake church with the special color, dedicated to Agios Nikolaos. From this square many small picturesque alleys begin.

We continue our tour of western Zakynthos and we arrive at the village of Maries, which is said to have taken its name from the passage of Mary Magdalene and Mary Klopas from the island, when they were on their way to Rome

 From Maries starts a road that goes down to the bay of Porto Vromi, from which boats depart to the bay of Spyrili, where the world famous landmark of the Navagio / Shipwreck is located. This is the shortest route to the Shipwreck.

Returning to the village and heading east, we find the road called Trilagada, at the end of which we take the direction towards Katastari. Before we reach the largest village of Zakynthos, we meet the old Monastery of Agios Ioannis Prodromos and immediately after Chartata.

An option is not to take the main road to the city, but to follow the northern part of the road of Riza and visit the picturesque villages of Pigadakia, Kallithea (Koukesi), Agioi Pantes (Galaro) and Lagkadakia. Above Lagkadakia and at a distance of one and a half km, on the mountainside, there are the remains of the ruined pre-earthquake village, where through the ruins three wonderful bell towers stand out.

Then, taking the road south, we find the village of Vougiatos and through the village of Machairado we return to the city.
